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The opening ceremony of the International Cultural Park project was held
  • May 15, 2022

The opening ceremony of the International Cultural Park project was held

The opening of the International Cultural Park project, initiated by IUE Group, was held on May 14, 2022. The opening ceremony of the IC Park project was attended by Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism Tuvdendorj.G, Minister for Labour and Social Protection Ariunzaya.A,  and Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Sumiyabazar.D.

From May 13 to 16, 2022, there will be "Discussion about green city", an opening ceremony, and an exhibition of woody plants. At the opening of the project, the International Cultural Park officially introduced the project to the public, including video and VR presentations.

We urge you to support the International Cultural Park project, where 80-90 percent of the total area will be green areas and landscaping. The project will be implemented in the territory of the 8th khoroo of Khan-Uul district of Ulaanbaatar. Let's work together for a green future, for a green city, and for educating our children about nature and ecology.